UX Project Management

Web App for Cloud Architecture

  • Role UX Lead
  • ForInternal Cloud COE Team
  • Team Size3
  • Duration1 Month


A cloud COE team wanted a drawing tool to help them to visualize their client's architecture and deploy the same in the AWS cloud. I helped them conceptualize the solutions and provided the necessary assets for them to develop the tool. I lead the team of an UX designer and a visual designer to co-create an easy-to-use tool.

design brief user,context,goal,and tasks


We started with the developers who were going to use the tool. We wanted to understand how they plan for Cloud architecture and create the diagram-driven infrastructure. I facilitated a brainstorming session to generate ideas and to become in line with the expectations.

comparative assessment design inspiration

We also analyzed the available tools and came up with a list of features and best practices. Within the team, we used the Invision Freehand tool to ideate the design. we came up with the flows and wireframes

comparative assessment design inspiration

comparative assessment design inspiration

Once we showcased the wireframes with the stakeholders, we created the visual design based on their existing brand. We built a clickable prototype for them to take it further up for the development.

comparative assessment design inspiration

comparative assessment design inspiration

comparative assessment design inspiration

I took the opportunity to practice some of the project management skills. I began with the project charter, then defined the scope, documented the requirement, and facilitated meetings to brainstorm, ideate, and get feedback. As estimated, we were able to deliver the assets and close the project in 1 month.